Bikram Yoga (Part 2 of ∞)

My 2018 New Years Resolutions are mostly kaput at this point. But one of them is intact... at least 12 Bikram Yoga classes per month. January 13, February 12, March 12. It's exactly the right balance.Why have I been able to stick to this resolution and not all of my others? Addiction, in a word. When my addictive personality latches onto an activity or substance, good or bad, it's hard to break it. And Bikram, despite the short-term challenge it brings during each 90 minute session, is officially an addiction. If it weren't, I would have stopped a long time ago.Part of it is the natural pain killer it provides. No pills, no emergency diet, no surgery... the chronic lower limb pain that I've had for years, especially the gout, has all but disappeared in the 7 months that I've committed to regular practice (since September 2017, no less than 12, even before I made it a resolution in 2018).If I can somehow get addicted to the incredible feelings of writing every day (which I really do love, regardless of who reads or likes what I write), eating less every day, planning every day (as opposed to plowing right in like I do), I have a feeling my next few decades could be that much more fulfilling.For April, it's got to be the food. Today (Easter) was tough... so much food around. But starting at this writing, my goal is to fall in love with the feeling of not being full. Ready, set, go.




Before We Knew What Was Wrong